Getting a quick payday loan is useful during a money crisis. Unexpected bills and car repairs usually occur at bad times. If you do not have the extra money for an expense, you should consider applying for a cash advance. Cash advance loans are similar to bank loans. However, cash advances have shorter terms and are easy to qualify for.
Cash Advance Loan Terms
Most cash advance loans have a term of two weeks. Thus, your loan is due when you receive your next paycheck. If you apply for a personal loan with a bank, there is a chance that your application will be denied. Banks require applicants to have collateral, high credit rating, and sufficient income.
Requirements for Getting a Fast Cash Advance Loan
Payday loans have minimum requirements. For starters, you must be at least 18-years-old. The cash advance company will also confirm employment and salary. These companies are eager to help you during hard times. Nonetheless, they expect you to repay the loan, thus you must have steady employment. With a cash advance, you can receive funds up to 00. Some companies will allow you to borrow a larger amount of money.
Cash advance loans are typically due within two weeks. Of course, there are circumstances in which an applicant will need more time to repay the loan. In this situation, the cash advance company will set up a payment plan. You may be required to pay back half the loan within two weeks, and the remaining balance within a month. These are called 30 day payday loans.
Long Term Payday Loans
Before getting a loan term payday loan, you should carefully consider the pros and cons. While longer term loans allow additional time for repaying the loan, you are responsible for the extra interest and fees that accompany cash advance loans. For example, the average cash advance fee is to for every 0 borrowed. This amount is based on a two week loan. If your loan term is extended an extra two weeks, you must pay additional fees.
If you need a 30 day payday loan, select a company that offers long term loans. Do not assume that all companies allow long term cash advances. Establish a long term agreement before signing your loan documents. If you do not, you will be charged a late fee for each day the loan is past due.
30 Day Cash Payday Loans - Short Term vs. Long Term Loans