More than often we receive requests from military personnel looking for advice on auto loans. Few of them know that there are special loans tailored to suit the needs of the military. And it is a shame because military car loans come with significantly more advantageous terms than regular loans. Therefore members of the forces can really benefit from this kind of financial product and should be familiar with them.
Men and women in active duty in the forces can obtain finance from a military car loan to purchase a new or used vehicle. There are even options to refinance current auto loans for lower rates or longer repayment programs and therefore, lower monthly payments. These loans have many benefits when compared to regular auto loans. Let's analyze these benefits and the requirements for approval of military auto loans:
Advantages of Military Auto Loans over Regular car Loans
Military car loans feature more advantageous terms than other auto loans. For instance, you can obtain lower interest rates. It is not uncommon to hear that this is due to the fact that lenders subsidize these loans themselves. However, there is another way to see this: since military personnel is more reliable in terms of income and continuity in the job, the risk for the lender is lower and therefore it is easier to offer lower interest rates and still obtain profit.
Besides lower interest rates, military auto loans also feature more flexible repayment programs which imply lower monthly payments if the borrower wants. There is also more flexibility in terms of the loan amount you can obtain. Under the same financial circumstances, military personnel can get higher loan amounts on military auto loans than on regular vehicle loans.
Flexible Requirements for Approval
Military personnel can obtain auto loan programs with very flexible requirements for approval. There are however, some additional requirements that have to do with the particularities of servicing in the forces. Most lenders offer online loan application but there is also the possibility of processing everything through regular mail or even physically at the lender's headquarters.
You will need to show proof of being actively in service. You will also need to provide an address where you are stationed and eventually the telephone number, email address, and other contact details of someone they can get in touch with if you are sent overseas that can take responsibility of notifying you of any kind of message the lender needs to send. Veteran personnel can also obtain military loans and sometimes with even more advantageous terms. These loans are called Veteran Military loans and are subsidized by government agencies or private institutions.
Bear in mind that though these loans are easier to qualify for, your credit report will still be pulled and analyzed. However, as opposed to regular vehicle loans, military auto loans do not require a fix residence or a steady job. Even if you just enlisted in the forces you can still qualify for a military car loan. When it comes to regular car loans, most lenders require at least two years on the same job to provide financing.
Are There Military Auto Loans?